28 March 2011

Teaching - Cours de Cuisine équilibrée à Genève

La cuisine de Sosoa
C'est une cuisine végétalienne basée sur l'équilibre, la variété, la couleur, les saveurs, en respectant le rythme des saisons, le dynamisme des styles de cuissons, l'utilisation de céréales complètes, de légumes et fruits, de légumineuses, algues et protéines végétales biologiques.

De 19h à 22h en petit comité de 10 personnes
Lieu: à Genève, chemin de la Gravière N°2
Prix: Frs. 50.- dégustation et support de cours compris
Réservation: lacuisinedesosoa(at)gmail.com

Plus d'informations: www.lacuisinedesosoa.blogspot.com

_Posted by X0X83X_  

27 March 2011

Cooking Recipe - Rucola Pesto (1 or 2 people)

-Olive Oil
-Lemon juice
-Ume-Su (pickled umeboshi apricots juice) or soy sauce
-Hazelnut or almond butter
-A fresh onion (optional)

•Mix (centrigue) all ingredients and adjust seasoning.
•Let the rucola pesto in the fridge for several hours.

Add or change the proportions and ingredients as you prefer...

_Posted by X0X83X_

Cooking Recipe - Tartare d'algues (4 personnes)

-100g de haricots de mer dessalés
-100g de dulse dessalée
-100g de nori dessalée
-100g de wakamé dessalée
-100g de laitue de mer dessalée
-80g de câpres au sel dessalées
-70g de moutarde à l'ancienne
-100 ml d'huile d'olive
-80g d'olives dénoyautées
-1 bocal de petits cornichons au vinaigre égoutté
-1 bottes d'oignons frais (ou équivalent en poireaux pour l'hiver)
-2 citrons pressés

•Passer les algues, les câpres et les cornichons dans un hachoir ou couper le tout en tartare au couteau.
•Couper finement l'oignon frais au couteau.
•Mélanger tous les ingrédients et rectifier l'assaisonnement à son goût sans se gêner de retrancher, ajouter ou changer les proportions et les ingrédients...

Recette réalisée dans le cadre du cours de cuisine "La Cuisine de Sosoa"
Plus d'informations: www.lacuisinedesosoa.blogspot.com

_Posted by X0X83X_

26 March 2011

Cooking Recipes - Stay Tuned for more

I will publish on a frequent basis my favourite cooking recipes, so stay tuned for some yummi meals in the upcoming weeks...

_Posted by X0X83X_

Straight Edge - Commercials

_Posted by xSOJx_

Veganism - Some videos

_Posted by xSOJx_

Veganism - Best Speech You Will Ever Hear

Gary Yourofsky's entire inspirational speech on animal rights and veganism held at Georgia Tech in 2010.

Listen to this amazing speaker who will blow away the myths, fill your mind with interesting facts, and help you make ethical choices for a healthy heart and soul. His charismatic preachy style is one of a kind - a must-see for anyone who cares about nonhuman animals or wishes to make the world a better place.

_Posted by xSOJx & X0X83X_

Saving x Grace - Unbreakable official video

One of my favourite metalcore bands ever.
Enjoy 5 minutes of intense metal hardcore from New Zealand.

_Posted by X0X83X_

Veganism - where to eat in zurich

Just opened: Miyuko.

Don`t know the people, never been there so far but definitely will check it out as soon as possible. Not everything is vegan but looks like they always have some vegan options. Let`s check it out!

_Posted by xSOJx_

Sudarshana - Rompe el control

Sudarshana from Argentina is one of my favourite "non-hardcore-straight-edge" bands.

_Posted by xSOJx_

Veganism - V-label

Available at Migros:
More v-label products here: V-Label.info

Productlist: Click here.

_Posted by xSOJx_

Nutrition - Plant Based Nutrition

Plant-based nutrition booklet in languages other than English :
Pflanzliche Ernährung (German)
Nutrition végétale (French)
Nutrición Basada en Vegetales (Spanish)

Taken from the Vegan Society website.
For more informations, many useful articles and to buy products, visit www.vegansociety.com
_Posted by X0X83X_

25 March 2011

Archives - Vegan Straight Edge on TV in 1995

_Posted by xSOJx_

Why Vegan? - New videos

More videos added to the "video" section.

_Posted by xSnowflakex_

Why Vegan? - Healthy eating without animal products

Why Vegan?

Do you have to choose between a healthy, fun, modern lifestyle and a fair, sustainable, compassionate lifestyle? No, you can have it all!  Have a look at the Vegan Society's film, 'Making the Connection', to explore the reasons why people choose to become and stay vegan.  

What is a vegan?

A vegan is someone who tries to live without exploiting animals, for the benefit of animals, people and the planet. Vegans eat a plant-based diet, with nothing coming from animals - no meat, milk, eggs or honey, for example. A vegan lifestyle also avoids leather, wool, silk and other animal products for clothing or any other purpose.

Some of the main reasons for choosing a vegan lifestyle :

It’s a healthy choice

A balanced vegan diet (also referred to as a ‘plant-based diet’) meets many current healthy eating recommendations such as eating more fruit, vegetables and wholegrains and consuming less cholesterol and saturated fat. Balanced vegan diets are often rich in vitamins, antioxidants and fibre and can decrease the chances of suffering from diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke and some cancers. Well-planned plant-based diets are suitable for all age groups and stages of life.

It’s compassionate

Many people become vegan through concern at the way farmed animals are treated. Some object to the unnecessary ‘use’ and killing of animals – unnecessary as we do not need animal products in order to feed or clothe ourselves.
Public awareness of the conditions of factory-farmed animals is gradually increasing and it is becoming more and more difficult to claim not to have at least some knowledge of the treatment they endure. Sentient, intelligent animals are often kept in cramped and filthy conditions where they cannot move around or perform their natural behaviours. At the same time, many suffer serious health problems and even death because they are selectively bred to grow or produce milk or eggs at a far greater rate than their bodies are capable of coping with.
Regardless of how they were raised, all animals farmed for food meet the same fate at the slaughterhouse. This includes the millions of calves and male chicks who are killed every year as ‘waste products’ of milk and egg production and the animals farmed for their milk and eggs who are killed at a fraction of their natural lifespan. Choosing a vegan diet is a daily demonstration of compassion for all these creatures.

It’s better for the environment

Switching to a plant-based diet is an effective way for an individual to reduce their eco-footprint. Vegan diets can produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions than meat-based diets. A University of Chicago study found that the ‘typical’ US diet generates the equivalent of nearly 1.5 tonnes more carbon dioxide per person per year than a vegan diet. The livestock industry is responsible for 18% of global greenhouse gas emissions, more than the entire transport sector (which produces 13.5%), including aviation.

Plant-based diets only require around one third of the land and water needed to produce a typical Western diet. Farmed animals consume much more protein, water and calories than they produce, so far greater quantities of crops and water are needed to produce animal ‘products’ to feed humans than are needed to feed people direct on a plant-based diet. With water and land becoming scarcer globally, world hunger increasing and the planet’s population rising, it is much more sustainable to eat plant foods direct than use up precious resources feeding farmed animals.
Farming animals and growing their feed also contributes to other environmental problems such as deforestation, water pollution and land degradation.

It’s delicious

There are mouth-watering plant-based dishes from around the world: from India, vegetable curries and dhals; from the Far East, tofu stir fries; from Italy pastas and salads; from Turkey, hummus and babaghanoush; and from Mexico beans and tortillas… the list goes on!
Many familiar foods have vegan versions - vegans can enjoy pizza, vegan sausage and mash, casseroles and even chocolate cake. The variety of vegan food available in shops and restaurants is growing all the time – eating a vegan diet has never been easier.

Why not?

Choosing to live a life free from animal products means choosing a path that is kinder to people, animals and the environment. In fact, there are so many good reasons to reject meat, eggs and dairy products and so many delicious animal free alternatives that the real question is not ‘why vegan?’ but ‘why not?’.

Taken from the Vegan Society website.
For more informations, many useful articles and to buy products, visit www.vegansociety.com

_Posted by X0X83X_

Animal Rights - Don't Give Up!

Impressively animated commercial, created by McCann Eriksson.

Just think a little bit before it's too late!

_Posted by X0X83X_