10 September 2011

Cooking Recipe - Mayonaise & boursin végétal


- 1 tasse de tofu soyeux
- 1 c.à s. d’huile d’olive
- 2 c.à c. de purée d’umeboshis
- ½ c.à c. sel marin fin
- Eau

• Mixer le tofu soyeux + huile + purée d’umeboshi
• Rectifier l’assaisonnement si nécessaire

Boursin de tofu

- 1 bloc de tofu pressé
- 2 c. à s. de tahin blanc
- 2 gousses d’ail pressé
- 1 c. à s. de purée d’umeboshi
- 1 c. à s. de poireau coupé finement
- 1 c. à s. de persil haché

• Mélanger tahin + umeboshi
• Emietter le tofu et piler avec le reste
• Lorsque la texture est suffisamment fine, ajouter poireau + persil + ail pressé
• Tasser fortement le mélange dans un petit bol
• Couvrir d’un film alimentaire et laisser mûrir à température ambiante pendant 24 heures
• Se conserve 1 semaine au réfrigérateur.

Recette réalisée dans le cadre du cours de cuisine "La Cuisine de Sosoa"
Plus d'informations: www.lacuisinedesosoa.blogspot.com

_Posted by X0X83X_

Hardcore Help Foundation - Needs your support!

It's about Friendship, Loyality & helping each other out, when you're in a bad situation.

That's why The Hardcore Help Foundation was put in place.

The HHF is a Collaboration of friends and volunteers from all over Europe and even all over the World to support hardcore kids who need serious help.

The Hardcore Help Foundation are collecting merch on hardcore shows and accept donations.

All profit goes to hardcore kids worldwide who need help.

For more informations and donations, visit 

_Posted by X0X83_

Promotion - One Choice/Saving Grace split 7"

Order a copy now of this limited split 7" by these two great bands from the States & New Zealand.
Featuring two new songs and one Earth Crisis cover by One Choice & Saving Grace, this record is a blast!

Support Seventh Dagger records!

Listen here the 6 songs of "Now This War Has Two Sides".

One Choice/Saving Grace | Now This War Has Two Sides
7" & Digital Download | Seventh Dagger
100 red & gold + 200 red + 200 gold

1. One Choice  - It Starts Now
2. One Choice - Life Long Dreams
3. One Choice - No Allegiance (Earth Crisis cover)

4. Saving Grace - Declaration (ft Drug Free Mike)
5. Saving Grace - Sibling Rivalry
6. Saving Grace - End Begin (Earth Crisis cover)

_Posted by X0X83X_

The Promise - My True Love lyrics

The lights begin at the burn of the day. Empty words at my life, my way.

For those who turn with their shame I pay.

Did we all grow up without a damn thing to say?

Right here, right now. My law, my vow. Right here, right now. My law, my vow. Try but they never will taint my true love.  

My revenge, who I am, Straight Edge. My true love.

All the words, all the fools turn your back on this, well fuck you. I am, I am what I am, and it's for real.

Do what, do what I do because this is how I feel. Don't care, don't care if I'm alone or by myself. Live my, live my life for me and for no one else. Try but they will never taint my true love.

The Promise | Believer
Indecision records | 2002 | CD & LP

1. The Kiss Off
2. Washed Up
3. Comeback
4. Believer
5. Tempered
6. Dead Mans Band
7. The Unwanted
8. Pity For None
9. No Heroes
10. Eyes Wide Shut
11. What I Have
12. No Way Out
13. Gone Sour

_Posted by X0X83X_